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Mutilazioni genitali femminili
dalla medicina alla critica antropologica
venerdì 24 novembre 2017 - sabato 25 novembre 2017
Aula Magna
Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche
Università degli studi di Roma “Roma Tre”
via Gabriello Chiabrera, 199
00145 Roma
Questo seminario internazionale intende investigare l’approccio biomedico alle FGM/C (Female genital mutilation/Cutting), considerando in particolar modo la complessità delle pratiche e dei significati socio-culturali che lo attraversano

Venerdì 24 Novembre 2017

8:30 - 9:30
Reception and Registration

9:30 - 10:00
Opening Ceremony
Lucia CHIAPPETTA CAJOLA, Vice-Rector of Roma Tre University
Massimo SICLARI, Vice-Director Department of Political Science, University Roma Tre
Paola GALLO, CUG President, University Roma Tre
Magaly THILL, Project Coordinator MAP-FGM, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Michela FUSASCHI, Project Director
Giovanna CAVATORTA, Project Coordinator for the University Roma Tre

10:00 -13:00
Gender studies and public anthropology

Giovanna CAVATORTA, University Roma Tre
Gily COENE, VUB University – Male circumcision: the emergence of a harmful cultural practice in the west?
Franca BIMBI, University of Padova - The return of the “honour and shame” paradigm in the European space and the case of Italian law on FGM
Irwan M. HIDAYANA, University Indonesia - Female circumcision in Indonesia: Between policy and practice

11:00 - 11:30
Coffee break
Sara JOHNSDOTTER, Malmö University – Girls and boys as victims: asymmetries and dynamics in European public discourses on genital modifications in children

Gianfranco REBUCINI, EHESS, Paris

13:00 - 14:00
Lunch Break

14:00 - 16:00
Michela FUSASCHI, University of Roma Tre - Gukuna, about a controversial modification
Projection of Sacred Water (documentary, Belgium, 2016, 55’)
Video call discussion with Olivier JOURDAIN, filmmaker

16:00 - 16:30
Coffee break

16:30 - 19:30
Biomedical paradigm and critical anthropology

Sabrina FLAMINI, Angelo Celli Foundation
Armelle ANDRO, Sorbonne University - Biopolitical life of FGM in the mondialization
Cecilia GALLOTTI, University of Bologna – Medically correct: research and training in Italian health-care services
Michela VILLANI, University of Fribourg – Medicine, sexuality and FGM: sociological notes on surgical reconstruction
Ricardo FALCãO, ISCTE-Lisbon University Institute – Resistance to Change: FGM/C and gendered inequality in Senegal
Ismail Sougueh GUEDI, FIH-360 - Les obstacles socioculturels à l’élimination des MGF à Djibouti

Clara CARVALHO, ISCTE-Lisbon University Institute

Sabato 25 Novembre 2017

09:30 – 13.00
Political Stakes. Insights from UE and the word

Valentina VITALE, University Roma Tre
Esther AYUK, Cameroon Young Jurists Legal Resource Centre - Understanding the political stakes in the fight against FGM in the World: The case of Cameroon and its neighbors
Bianca POMERANZI, CEDAW - FGM in the human rights frame: the case of General Recommendations and Monitoring of the CEDAW Committee
Clara CALDERA, AIDOS – FGM/C, the difficult dialogue between anthropology and international cooperation: the experience of Aidos

11:00 - 11:30
Coffee break
Omar Hussen ABDULCADIR e Lucrezia CATANIA, Careggi Hospital Florence - Alternative rite between medicine and policy
Jean-Loup AMSELLE, EHESS, Paris – L’excision et l’homosexualité comme enjeux politiques au Mali>
Francesco POMPEO, University Roma Tre

13:30 - 14:30
Closing Ceremony with: Magaly THILL (URJC), Adriana Rosa KAPLAN MARCUS�?N (WASSU), Els LEYE (VUB), Clara CARVALHO (ISCTE-IUL), Maya PELLICCIARI (A. Celli), Michela FUSASCHI (Univ. Roma Tre)

Per informazioni
Loredana Diglio
Università Roma Tre - Ufficio stampa
Tel. 06.57332478 - 366.7783407
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