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AIPH - Associazione Italiana di Public History
3rd AIPH National Conference
Invito alla Storia
lunedì 24 giugno 2019
Università degli Studi della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli
viale Ellittico, 31 (Complesso Ex Poste)
81100 Caserta

Room 3, first floor
12:00 - 13:30 Panel AIPH1
Srefano OLIVIERO, Breaking the Room walls: an exploration of the participatory and laboratory dimension of teaching history
Maria Rosaria DI SANTO, A factory, a city: experiences of teaching of the territory and with local Community
Lando LANDI, Experimental archeology ad an innovative teaching practice and public hisotry activity
Antonio DI PIETRO, The Games we used to play, between tradition and innovation
Marianna DI ROSA and Anna Ricciardi, Between audiences and museums: role and potential of Museum education

Room 4, first floor
12:00 - 13:30 Panel AIPH2
Maria Antonella FUSCO, Meridional moments: brigandage, earthquake, mental hospital, emigration
Giuseppe FERRARO, Narratives and stories about Unity of Italy between teaching and research
Mariano FRESTA, Neoborbonism: divided memory or mystification?
Lorenzo TERZI, Neoborbonism propaganda analysis

Room C, first floor
12:00 - 13:30 Panel AIPH3
Maria Luisa CHIRICO, Peregrinationes Academicae in Campania between XVII and XIX Century
Serena CANNAVALE, Jean-Jacques Bouchard in Capua (1632)
Gianluca DEL MASTRO, The Hercolaneum papyri through the trqavel reports of eighteenth-century travelers
Gennaro CELATO, The travel of N. Heinsius in Naples (April-July 1647)
Cristina PEPE, Theodor Mommsen and Campania

Room “Appia”, first floor
12:00 - 13:30 Panel AIPH4
Antonio D’ONOFRIO, Public Modern History from Archives to the Web: the SISEM experience
Antonio D’ONOFRIO, Creating an historical editorial staff: challenges between past, present an future
Giulia D’ARGENIO, Communicating History
Michele FASANELLA, LaSisem Tv: video production and post-production for a social friends historical future

Room “Appia”, first floor
12:00 - 13:30 Panel AIPH5
Gaia SALVATORI, Photography and Public History
Corin Sweeny DEINHART, Re-Visualising Khmer Rouge Memory Through the Lens of Contemporary Cambodian Photography
Gaia SALVATORI, Albums and private archives: Naples and Campania in Early 20th Century Photography
Lorenzo ARNONE SIPARI, Photos as a research source about hitorical landscapes: the case of Abruzzo National Park between 19th and 20th century

Room C, first floor
14:00 - 15:30 Panel AIPH6
Roberto DELLE DONNE, History online
Antonio BERIBE’ and Rita ROMANELLI, Family documents published on
Eleonora DE LONGIS e Elisa SCIOTTI, Reading, books and libraries for the soldiers: the digital archive “14-18 Documenti e immagini della Grande Guerra” tested through research
Mara CINQUEPLMI, Viadelmareracconta
Pierluigi FELICIATI and Simona TURBANTI, Central Appennino Heritage after the Earthquake: first results of the bottom-up project about digital contents creation through Wikipedia

Room “Appia”, first floor
14:00 - 15:30 Panel AIPH7
Carmen BETTI At the dawn of school Public History in Italy
Luca BRAVI, “Treno della Memoria”. A Public History Project for social minorities inclusion
Stefano OLIVIERO and Francesco BELLACCI, Resistance and its fighters at school

Room 3, first floor
14:00 - 15:30 Panel AIPH8
Enrica SALVATORIPublic History Practices
Daphné BUDASZ, Secousse festival: a laboratory for public history
Jessica M. MASUCCI, Communication through podcast : a new digital frontier of History voice spreading
Andrea SAVIO, The Archiporto Project (2018-2021). The promotion of cultural Heritage through a newspaper with chronicles of the time and a game for teens
Davide TABOR and Angelo LA GORGA, Dissemination,, “Third Mission” and Web Use: the Research Project Homes for Ordinary People in post IIWW Italy and the website

Room 4, first floor
14:00 - 15:30 Panel AIPH9
Gian Luca FRUCI and Annastella CARRINO, Brigands without history I Neoburb’s narratives and communication circuits
Claudia VILLANI, Heroes’ return, the history’s need
Lea DURANTE, Brigands in literature
Gian Luca FRUCI, The movie brigands
Christopher CELAFATI and Federico PALMIERI, Brigantds haters
Antonella FIORIO, Brigands on sale

Room D, first floor
14:00 - 15:30 Panel AIPH10
Chiara MARTINELLI, Communicating war and Resistance to new generations: high stakes and perspectives
Rinaldo FALCIONI The Cobra is smoking: the FEB romance
Francesco CUTOLO, The project “La guerra partigiana” in Pistoia. Teaching Resistance at school
Manuel PEREIRA, Towards a multicultural and transnational conception of the war: FEB in Italy

Room 2, ground floor
14:00 - 19:30 Borbonism, Southernism, Federalism

14:15 Film Screening “Quant’è bellu lu murire acciss” by Ennio Lorenzini (1975 – 85’)
Pasquale IACCIO

15:45 Introduction
Carmine PINTO

16:00 No borb in small doses. Video Information and Dissemination, between graphics, words and imagines
Christopher CELAFATI
Annastella CARRINO
Antonella FLORIO
Gian Luca FRUCI
Federico PALMERI

17:15 Lamberto LAMBERTINI, “Risorgimento” in words

17:45 - 19:30 Round Table 1 – Bourbon: historiography and public speaking
Carmine PINTO
Gian Luca FRUCI
Alessandro LATERZA
Giovanni CERCHIA