Mei Ying-Boon is a Senior Lecturer at the School of Optometry and Vision Science at the University of New South Wales in Sydney. She is also the Director of the Optics and Radiometry Laboratory.
Mei Ying-Boon graduated in Optometry and Vision Science and was awarded her PhD in the Electrophysiological and Psychophysical Development of Colour Vision from from the University of New South Wales. Her postdoctoral research studies were at Queensland University of Technology, in the prevention of injuries of older people with visual impairment and low vision.
Her research areas include the development of objective visual electrophysiology analysis techniques, their relationship with perception, visual perception in the developing (children's vision encompassing amlyopia) and the ageing visual system as well as low vision and visual impairment.
Mei Ying-Boon is a member of the Optometrists Association Australia, a fellow of the American Academy of Optometry, an Australian Standards Committee member for spectacles lens standards and a nominated representative for Australia on the International Organization for Standardization.